Welcome summer.
Now please slow down.
We have been out of school for 3 1/2 weeks now and we haven't stopped yet. What have we been up to? I thought you'd never ask.
We had dance recital rehearsals on the very last day of school and recitals two days later.
Take a good look because Hannah says that this is her last dance recital. Forever. She's hanging up the dance shoes.
In between rehearsal day and recital day, we had our very first swim meet. Both girls are swimming on our neighborhood swim team and having a blast!
Haley actually had to miss this first meet due to her dance rehearsal.
No worries.
The next day, we took Haley to camp. She wasn't able to take the bus because of her dance recital earlier that morning.
For four nights, she had a blast.
While she was away, our little buddy came to stay with Hannah.
They washed rocks.
They painted rocks.
They sold rocks.
But, not very many.
So they decided to have a water fight instead.
Not sure who won.
(to be continued)
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